Great, great, great, grandson of the Ettrick Shepherd, Dr Norman James Hogg is a Scottish-Canadian artist, writer and para-academic. He has been selected for New Work Scotland, New Work UK and was a director of the Embassy gallery in Edinburgh. Together with Neil Mulholland, he is co-founder of the neomedieval art collective Confraternity of Neoflagellants. After being awarded a Joseph-Armand Bombardier doctoral scholarship he attained a PhD in Humanities (Fine Arts) from Concordia University in Montreal. Currently still alive in Ottawa and Linlithgow, Hogg’s time is spent pilgrimizing subterranean mallways and corporate atriums. His research into the endarkened hyper-economies of non/human ritual continue with the Confraternity’s second theory-fictional novel, pan-pan. His literary fiction has recently been published in Mycelia (#5) and Gutter (#25).